Monday, September 15, 2014
Fiction, Nonfiction, Personal Journals, Poetry
Entry Fees
First prize $150, second prize $50, and all writers who enter receive an electronic copy of the first issue, along with a chance to win a free subscription from's database of publishers, agents, and magazines.
The Maine Review seeks submissions for the Rocky Coast Contest
Online submission deadline: September 15th, 2014
The Maine Review is a new literary magazine featuring creative nonfiction, poetry, short fiction, essays, and prose. Each cover is graced by the work of a Maine artist. Contest is open to all published and unpublished writers, and all submissions are considered for publication in the Fall 2014 issue. Maximum length of 1,500 words, 60 lines for poetry.
First prize is $150, second prize $50. All writers who enter will receive a free electronic copy of the first issue, along with the chance to win a free subscription to Entry fee: $10 per entry. All genres eligible for prizes. Guidelines:
Contact Information
Katherine Mayfield, Editor [email protected]