Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Essay, Journalism, Nonfiction, Personal Journals
Entry Fees
$12 ($10 NCWN members)
The first-, second-, and third-place winners will receive $1,000, $300, and $200 respectively. The winning entry will be considered for publication by Ecotone.
The Rose Post Creative Nonfiction Competition, sponsored by the North Carolina Writers’ Network, encourages the creation of lasting nonfiction that is outside the realm of conventional journalism and has relevance to North Carolinians. Subjects may include traditional categories such as reviews, travel articles, profiles or interviews, place/history pieces, or culture criticism.
Each entry must be an original and previously unpublished manuscript of no more than 2,000 words.
Contact Information
Submit online:
Submit by USPS:
North Carolina Writers' Network
ATTN: Rose Post
PO Box 21591
Winston-Salem, NC 27120