Sally Buckner Emerging Writers’ Fellowship


Tuesday, June 30, 2020


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Entry Fees

Free (NCWN members) / $10 (non-members)


$500 / 1 complimentary one-year membership in the North Carolina Writers’ Network / scholarship aid to attend the Network’s annual Fall and Spring Conferences


The Buckner Fellowship, in the amount of $500 awarded to one writer each year, supports North Carolina emerging writers whose work shows promise of excellence and commitment to a literary career.

Applicants must be in the early stages of their careers and will not have had yet the support needed to achieve major recognition for their work. No specific academic background is required or preferred.

Applications will be accepted only through Submittable from May 1 to June 30, annually:

Fellowship applicants must meet the following criteria:

* Writers must have established legal residence in North Carolina for at least one year prior to applying, and plan on residing in North Carolina through the Fellowship year.
* Writers must be between the ages of 21 and 35, as of December 31 of the year in which they apply.
* Students enrolled in degree-granting programs are not eligible to apply, even if the focus of study is not directly related to writing. (If at any point during the judging process an applicant accepts an offer to study in a degree-granting program, please alert NCWN immediately to have the application pulled from consideration.)
* Fellowship recipients should “pay it forward.” Fellowship winners, in the course of their award year, are invited to help at least one other writer, in whatever fashion they see fit (mentoring, critiquing, providing a reference, etc.), carrying on Sally Buckner’s lifelong support of other writers.
* Applicants are required to submit a completed application form and accompanying work sample, letter of support, and vitae by June 30.

Contact Information

June Guralnick, Fellowship Program Coordinator, [email protected].


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