Friday, November 30, 2018
Fantasy, Fiction, General, Horror, Mystery, Nonfiction, Poetry, Romance, Science Fiction, Young Adult
Entry Fees
Early Bird fees $20/fiction $15/poetry
Regular fees $25/fiction $20/poetry
Last minute fees $30/fiction $25/poetry
Student & Military discounts available
1st place in each category: $100, Guild Membership, and a link to author's webpage from guild site
2nd place in each category: $50, Guild Membership, and a link to author's webpage from guild site
3rd place in each category: $25, Guild Membership, and a link to author's webpage from guild site
Honorable Mention in each category: Guild Membership, and a link to author's webpage from guild site
The San Antonio Writers’ Guild’s 27th annual writing contest welcomes non-fiction, poetry, and multiple genre categories in long and short fiction. The contest is open to all writers. Entries may include other languages, real or imagined, but must be primarily in English. The deadline for entry is 11/30/2018 with very generous discounts for earlier entries.
Contact Information