Seeking Humor Books


Wednesday, July 1, 2015


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Entry Fees



$100 Amazon Card. Judges will also select First and Second Place winners in the genre category as well as the picture book contest. Judges will also select up to 10 Honorable Mentions.

A winner’s list will circulate the Internet via press releases. Winners will also be given certificates and each receive up to $100 in free online promotion by our sponsor Kindle Book Promos. Winners will also be announced and listed at social media sites with book reading followers totaling over 60,000. Each winner will also receive a free print copy of Adventures with Ragweed and one Free E-Copy of Advanced Kindle Book Marketing: How to Sell more Ebooks online with new Amazon promotions and Kindle Bestseller Tips.


Humor Writers: here’s a chance to promote your work and for some “overdue recognition.”

We are seeking content written with a sense of humor. All genres are accepted as long as humor is a dominant part of the writing. Judges are looking for quality, attention-grabbing prose that make readers smirk, laugh out loud or embrace hard topics through the use of humor. We also encourage picture books to include children, YA and adults.

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