Short Story Contest 2019 – Wise Writer Award

Contest ending today.


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Entry Fees



1st prize: US$2,000
2nd prize: US$500
3rd prize: US$250


Word limit: up to 2,500
Closing date: June 15, 2019
Entry fee: US$13 per story

The contest is open to original and unpublished fiction short stories of up to 2,500 words. The story can be on any subject, in any style, by a writer of any nationality aged 16 or over (no upper age limit).

How to Apply:

In order to enter the competition, all contestants must complete the following steps:

Read the rules carefully;
Write a short story that meets the criteria,
Complete the online registration form.

Are you ready to apply?

The Rules:

The Competition is open to anyone of any nationality aged 16 or over.

The deadline for entries is midnight (UTC -3) on June 15, 2019.

The short story must be typed and no longer than 2,500 words (excluding title).

Entrants may submit as many stories as they wish, but each story must be submitted as a separate entry.

All work submitted for consideration can be on any subject, and written in any style or form, but must be the contestant’s own original writing, and should not have been published.

All work must be in English.

Translations into English of work written in other languages can be accepted, provided that the source text is the contestant’s own original work.

Entries will be accepted only online via the competition entry form.

All short stories are judged anonymously and should not bear the author’s name, or any other form of identification.

Entries may be withdrawn from the Competition by notification in writing by email. Entry fees will not be refunded.

No changes can be made to a short story once it has been submitted. If contestants wish to correct errors in stories, they must withdraw their story from the Competition and enter again with payment of entry fee.

Entries will not be returned under any circumstances. Correspondence requesting returns will not receive a response.

The judge’s decision are final, and no correspondence about it will be entered into.

The maximum number of winners will be three. The prize money is generated entirely through entry fees and may be reduced if an insufficient number of entries are received.

The winners will be contacted by email by July 15, 2019.

Queries should be sent to Wise Writer by email: [email protected].

Contact Information

[email protected]


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