Sports Essay Contest


Thursday, December 30, 2021




This project is an essay contest that aims to inspire youth to participate in sports and active lifestyles through individual reflection and through sharing their narratives in a community. This project also creates the possibility of discovering new sports through hearing other’s stories.

Writers must be students in grades K-12. The contest will be judged across grades (K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12).

Essays can be handwritten or typed. If typed, we encourage double spacing and using 12pt Arial or Times New Roman font.

Essay word limits:
Grades 6-12: Essays must be between 100 to 750 words.
Grades 3-5: Essays must be between 100 to 300 words.
Grades K-2: Essays must be between 30 to 100 words.

*Though not required, all writers are encouraged to include a drawing or photograph to illustrate their story.

Essays must be submitted by 5pm EDT, December 30, 2021 to the following email address: [email protected]

Essays must answer one of the following questions:

1. How have sports impacted you, your family or a community you are a part of?

2. What ideas and thoughts would you like to share with your family, coaches, or teachers about sports?

3. When have you had the most fun playing sports? What sports do you enjoy and why?

4. What sports have you played and what sports would you like to play or have more access to?

5. What inspires you to play sports?

Note: Participants may only submit one essay but have the option to cover multiple questions in their essay.

Contact Information

[email protected]


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