Thursday, June 30, 2022
Entry Fees
$1000 and publication on our website and in our print anthology.
The Sterling Clack Clack Second Annual Hemingway Short Story contest is now open for submissions. First prize is $1,000, publication on our website, and in our print anthology. Submissions should be between 500 and 10,000 words. Please do not include your name or contact information on the manuscript. This contest will close after 500 submissions have been received. Congratulations to last year’s winner David Canning. Read his winning entry, “Cat Party”.
We believe a short story should evoke emotion, take the reader places she hasn’t been and blur the line between reader and author, creating a trans-formative mind-meld across space and time. For this reason, the theme is open. We don’t want to read stories crafted around popular social themes, or stories written to push an agenda, we want to crawl inside the head of the reader, understand what it is to be her. Like all great art, writing is an act of rebellion, not an adherence to norms.
All submissions are read blindly. We don’t believe that gender, skin pigmentation, sexual orientation, nationality, or creed should ever have a place in determining whether something is published or not.
Contact Information