Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Entry Fees
There is no entry fee for this contest.
First prize is $100 (hey we know that is low, but did you hear about the $0 entry fee?) and an author feature on our website. This is an excellent opportunity for unknown authors to be recognized publicly for your work.
The editorial staff of Blue Table Press is excited to announce our Summer to Remember romance-writing contest. There is no submission fee (read that $0 – hey that is big, right?), and the winning entries will be featured in our upcoming anthologies focusing on Young Adult (Teen) and Adult Romances. Submit your short story in the 2,500 to 5,000-word range. Novel excerpts are welcome if they function as a stand-alone story.
The contest deadline is September 30, 2014 at midnight Pacific time.
First prize is $100 (hey we know that is low, but did you hear about the $0 entry fee?) and an author feature on our website. This is an excellent opportunity for unknown authors to be recognized publicly for your work.
You may submit as many contest entries as you like, as often as you like. Please include your name on the first page of your contest entry; we will remove your name in the final stages of judging. We accept .doc or similar files–no PDFs, please. We accept previously unpublished work only. Any size print run or online publication (including blogs and/or social networking) disqualify an entry. Simultaneous submissions are accepted, provided we’re notified upon publication elsewhere. If we accept your story for publication, we trust you will remove that story from all other contests upon our acceptance of your work. We do not publish illustrations.
Contest winners and all finalists get one free copy of the anthologies, and each submission will be carefully considered for publication. Final judging is blind and binding.
BTP retains standard first publication rights; all rights subsequently revert to the writer upon publication.
Contact Information
Samantha Williamson, Romance Editor Blue Table Press [email protected]