Sweek short story writing contest: #Storytellers


Sunday, June 25, 2017


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Entry Fees



2 prizes of $75


We believe that everyone has a story to tell and that to be human means to tell stories. We invite all of you to share your best story with the world! But this time, we have a different challenge! Can you say a lot in a little? Submit your short story in 500 words or less to our new Sweek writing competition and get a chance to win awesome prizes. The rest is up to you: prose or poetry, fiction or nonfiction!

29th of May – 25th of June

Impress our jury to win the following prizes:

Grand prize [jury prize]: cash prize worth €75

Most popular story [crowd prize]: cash prize worth €75

Next to these prize winners, we’ll select top stories to be featured on Sweek for 3 weeks. The winners will be announced on the 12th of July on the blog, social media and via email.

– You need to be 14 years or older to participate. Younger participants need their parents’ permission.
– The story must be tagged #storytellers in story details
Word limit: maximum 500 words
– The story doesn’t have to be exclusive, but needs to be newly uploaded on Sweek (so old stories cannot participate)
– The story didn’t participate in previous Sweek competitions
– The story is written in English
– The story must be created by you. You can also write with a friend if you want to, but in case you win, the prize will be shared. It’s just one prize per story
-The story must be submitted and finished before the deadline: 25/06/17, 23:59 CET
– You can participate with multiple entries, as long as they all meet our guidelines
– The story can be both fiction and nonfiction. Any genre, as long as it is related to the topic. It can be a combination of e.g. young adult, romance, fantasy, science fiction, crime and it can have the form of both prose and poetry.
– Crowd prize is determined by the number of followers. The deadline for the followers count is: 11/07/17, 23:59 CET. Falsification of followers will lead to a warning, followed by immediate disqualification if the behavior continues.

Step 1: Download the Sweek app
Step 2: Sign up, click on “My stories” and then “Start a new story”
Step 3: Fill in the title of the story. You can also add an image and write a description (optional)
Step 4: Click on “Add a new chapter.” Then provide a chapter title and write your story in not more than 500 words
Step 5: Click Publish. Put the tag #storytellers in the tags section (on the web version do not forget to press Enter). Also fill in the story category and hit Publish again. Your story is now published!

You can also use Sweek on your desktop computer/laptop

That’s it!

Especially for this contest, we have prepared Sweek tips on how to write a compelling micro story!

Contact Information

[email protected]



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