Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Drama, Fantasy, Fiction, General, Poetry, Science Fiction, Young Adult
Entry Fees
Short Story Contest
Fees: $15.00 USD entry fee for each submission.
Flash Fiction Contest
Fees: $8.00 per entry, or three entries for $12.00.
Poetry Contest
Fees: $8.00 per entry, or three entries for $12.00.
Short Story Contest: $1,000
Flash Fiction Contest: $300
Poetry Contest: $300
Contest Submissions
TBL is pleased to announce the F(r)iction Fall Literary Competition. There are three submission categories: 1) short stories of any genre ranging from 1,000 to 7,500 words, 2) flash fiction with a word limit of 750 words, and 3) poetry no longer than three pages. Winners of the contest will be published in a future issue of F(r)iction alongside stunning original artwork from TBL’s talented team of artists. F(r)iction is dedicated to publishing the best writing of all kinds, and we encourage submissions that push boundaries and take risks in genre, plot, and style.
Judging: The finalists for each category will be read by a guest judge, who will select a winner to be published in the Spring 2017 issue of F(r)iction. Matt Gallagher, author of Youngblood, will be reading the short story submissions. Renowned performance poet Ken Arkind will be judging the poetry submissions. And Sari Wilson, author of Girl Through Glass, will choose the winning flash fiction submission.
Contact Information
Mia Herman, Outreach Director
[email protected]