Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Entry Fees
Short Story: $15
Poetry: $7 (one poem), $15 (three poems)
Flash Fiction: $7 (one story), $15 (three stories)
Short Story: $500
Poetry: $150
Flash Fiction: $150
Tethered by Letters is pleased to announce our third annual Summer Literary Competition. There are three submission categories: 1) short stories of any genre ranging from 1,000 to 7,500 words 2) flash fiction with a word limit of either 55, 250, or 500 words and 3) poetry no longer than three pages. For these contests, we are looking for engaging stories, vivid characters and fresh perspectives and styles. All genres are accepted, and we encourage work that pushes boundaries. Our motto: Publish Weird.
Winners are published in F(r)iction, our triannual print collection of literature and art.
Contact Information
Colin Griffith
Publishing Director, Tethered by Letters
[email protected]