Sunday, October 31, 2021
Entry Fees
£7.50 per entry or 3 for £15. Students £5 per entry or 3 for £10
First Prize £1000
2nd Prize £200
3rd Prize £100
The Bedford Competition
Opens: 1 May. Short stories up to 3000 words, poems up to 40 lines, on any theme; extra categories for young people 17-25 and special prizes for Bedford residents. TBC is a non-profit group, all net proceeds going to Schoolreaders, Bedford to help children ‘catch up’, and King’s Arms Homeless project. Short story judge: Patrick McGuinness. Poetry judge: Anne Berkeley.
Prizes: £1000, £200 and £100.
Entry fee: £7.50 or 3 for £15. Students, £5 or 3 for £10.
Closing date: 31 October
Contact Information
Philip Carey
28 Millar Road
Bedford MK42 9NZ