Thursday, October 1, 2020
Entry Fees
Free to enter
£500 1st prize
2019 marked the first year of the prize and it generated a lot of, very emotive and high quality stories from authors based all around the world. Despite its infancy, the Perito Prize can wrestle two snakes with its Herculean strength because the we are celebrating something that we are passionate about and should and will be at the core of all our lives… accessibility, inclusion and inclusive design! For some this conjures up thoughts of wheelchairs, hearing aids, and guide dogs, but we see the simple concept that all people should be able to enjoy and have access to opportunity in the world we live in. Issues with access to spaces, opportunities and experiences can happen to anyone at any time. Whether physical, mobility impairment or injury, mental health, or less visible neurocognitive conditions. We think there are so many great stories out there to celebrate the diverse world we live in. We want to hear them and share them!
The Perito Prize will be awarded to outstanding new writing in short story fiction of between 1000 and up to 2000 words. The cash prize goes to the 1st place but there will be special mentions and the option for various fun interviews, readings, with or without musical accompaniment, on the Perito website for 2nd and 3rd places. The finalists and a selection of the best stories from the year will also be published in that year’s Perito Prize Anthology which will be available to buy with all profits going to a selected charity which will change year by year. The Perito team will be the judges and their decisions are final.