The Threepenny Editor Annual Novel Contest


Thursday, October 15, 2015


Entry Fees



One manuscript will receive $1,200 of editing work from The Threepenny Editor for free. You will receive a critique letter of at least 8,000 words that evaluates your novel’s strengths and weaknesses and offers a strategy for revision. I will also make scene- and line-level margin notes using Track Changes (usually at least 400 per 80,000-word novel). These support the critique’s ideas and also point out awkward ideas, scene flow problems, and questions about character, plot, and world-building. You will receive a free follow-up hour to talk about the editing work on your novel.


When I started The Threepenny Editor in 2003, the ink on my creative writing degree was barely dried. I founded the company with a simple idea that has helped it grow into the robust, respected editing service it is today: I would give writers the kind of service I’d like to receive if I were in their shoes. That meant being responsive, constructive, and attentive to what a manuscript could be rather than limiting my attention to its flaws.

As a young writer, I wanted help in my writing, but the cost of hiring an independent editor was out of my reach. I’ve always wished I didn’t have to charge for the service I offer to aspiring authors. And to celebrate many years of success, I will be offering this writing contest annually.

Contact Information

Sarah Cypher, Editor and Principal of The Threepenny Editor. Submit work to sarah [ at ] threepennyeditor [ dot ] com.



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