Essay, Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry
$350, publication of winners on Electric Literature
The Wikimedia Foundation’s Heart of Knowledge Contest is an international arts competition soliciting creative submissions on the theme of “What does open access to knowledge mean to you?”
We’re organizing this competition because we want to make it clear that open access to knowledge isn’t just about acing tests or knowing arcane facts. Knowledge affects the decisions we make, our health and happiness, even how we relate to each other. By collecting art from around the world depicting lived experiences with knowledge, we hope to broaden people’s understanding of this important right.
We’re looking for submissions in five categories (video, poetry, short fiction, visual arts, creative essays). The deadline for entries is 11:59pm on April 30th, 2019; winners get $350 prizes, and we’ll also showcase top entries during our awards ceremony in San Francisco at the end of June.
Contact Information
Adora Svitak
[email protected]