Saturday, March 15, 2014
Children’s, Drama, Fiction, General, Horror, Journalism, Mystery, Nonfiction, Personal Journals, Plays, Poetry, Romance, Science Fiction, Screenwriting, Young Adult
Entry Fees
6 months of free 24/7* access to the space. This is equivalent to a Premium Membership, the highest level of membership we offer, worth upwards of $2500. Winner gets his/her own door code to the space with the ability to come and go even when staff isn’t here.
*theOffice is closed to ALL members Mondays 6PM-11PM, Saturdays 8AM-10AM, Sundays 8AM-10:30AM due to outside rentals. Otherwise, the space is yours.
We are once again offering a FREE 6-MONTH FELLOWSHIP to theOffice. theOffice is a quiet, communal workspace in Brentwood, CA. Our members get free coffee & tea, wifi, Aeron chairs and peace of mind, all in the company of likeminded writers.
The fellowship works like this:
You send us a sample of your best piece of writing along with why you want this. We select one winner who will receive 6 months of free 24/7* access to the space. This is equivalent to a Premium Membership, the highest level of membership we offer, worth upwards of $2500. Winner gets his/her own door code to the space with the ability to come and go even when staff isn’t here.
The fellowship starts April 1 and goes through Sept. 30, 2014. Contest is open to all new/aspiring/struggling writers who are looking to kick their productivity into overdrive. Think of this as your very own writer’s retreat right here in the city.
-An email with your contact information: Full name, phone, and email address. In the body of the email, please explain why you need this fellowship and what you hope to gain from it. (200 words or less, please)
-A 10 page PDF writing sample of your work. Attach this to the email. Your best 10 pages. Do not submit pages that need to be set up or explained. Send 10 pages that stand alone.
-Local writers only
Email to: theOfficeFellowship(at)gmail(dot)com by March 15, 2014.
See website for more details.
Contact Information