Third Annual M.F.K.Fisher Last House Writing Contest


Tuesday, May 31, 2022


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Entry Fees

FREE for children and youth (17 years of age and under); $40 for adults (18+)

Proceeds will benefit Audubon Canyon Ranch's programs and the continuing restoration and maintenance of M.F.K. Fisher's Last House in Glen Ellen, California.


Winners to be announced on our website (, and social media (@auduboncanyonranch). All winners will receive a phone call.

Prizes include:

M.F.K. Fisher books
Your submission will be featured in ACR publications.
Audubon Canyon Ranch ballcaps, mugs, and more.
Other prizes to be announced soon!


The Last House Writing Contest celebrates author M.F.K. Fisher, who resided in her ‘Last House’ on ACR’s Bouverie Preserve in Sonoma Valley.

“I had to tell myself again about the strange feeling of affection and mystery that came over me as I looked down the dark stairwell and saw the white blossoms sweeping stiffly in the dark.” —M.F.K. Fisher, Map of Another Town.

Theme: In the spirit of M.F.K. Fisher, we ask emerging writers to focus on renewal, rebirth, reemergence, and the many inspirations of life and nature in spring—new growth in all forms. The following quote from The Gastronomical Me sums up our thoughts as we emerge from the past two years and we feel it expresses so well the sentiments of renewal and spring, ” As soon as we could, we planted.”

Format: Writers are invited to submit an original, unpublished essay, short story, or poem in PDF format, 300–500 words for children and youth, 750 words maximum for adults 18 and older. Please include your name on the top of your submission.

Entries accepted in three age categories:
–Children (8–12) (must have parent or legal guardian’s consent)
–Youth (13–17) (must have parent or legal guardian’s consent)
–Adults 18 and older

Our esteemed panel of judges includes the following:

Mitchell Davis, Author, Consultant; Kennedy Golden, Educator, daughter of M.F.K. Fisher; Michele Anna Jordan, Author, Writer, Radio Host; Carolyn Jung, Author, Food Journalist; Krishnendu Ray, Author, Sociologist, Past Chair NYU Department of Nutrition & Food Studies; Ruth Reichl, Author, Editor; Kathleen Squires, Food & Travel Writer; Randall Tarpey-Schwed, Author, Bibliographer, Podcaster; and Alice Waters, Chef, Author, Activist.

Contact Information

Registration required:

Susie Allen, Last House Program Manager
[email protected]


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