Friday, November 30, 2018
Entry Fees
Every entrant will receive a PDF copy of the contest issue (a $5 value).
3 prizes of $50.00 for winning poems.
Whether it’s an American Sentence, Haiku(ish) or just a great poetic sentence, we want to see what you can pack into the basic building block of literature, the sentence.
The Simple Rules:
Each poem should have a title and should consist of a single English sentence with conventional punctuation. There is no limit on length.
You may include up to 3 one sentence poems in your entry, which must be a single spaced .doc or .docx file. Do not include any identifying information within the body of the document. Multiple entries are allowed.
Entries will be accepted from Septeber 1 to November 30, 2018 though our Submittable account. No email or paper submissions will be considered.
Contact Information
David Jibson
[email protected]