Thomas Wolfe Fiction Prize


Friday, January 30, 2015


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Entry Fees

$15 for NCWN members, $25 for nonmembers


$1,000 and possible publication in The Thomas Wolfe Review


The Thomas Wolfe Fiction Prize honors internationally celebrated North Carolina novelist Thomas Wolfe. The prize is administered by Tommy Hays and the Great Smokies Writing Program at the University of North Carolina at Asheville.

Contact Information

The competition is open to all writers regardless of geographical location or prior publication.
Submit two copies of an unpublished fiction manuscript not to exceed 12 double-spaced, single-sided pages (1" margins, 12-pt. font).
Author's name should not appear on manuscripts. Instead, include a separate cover sheet with name, address, phone number, e-mail address, word count, and manuscript title. (If submitting online, do not include a cover sheet with your document; Submittable will collect and record your name and contact information.)
An entry fee must accompany the manuscript: $15 for NCWN members, $25 for nonmembers.
You may pay the member entry fee if you join the NCWN with your submission. Checks should be made payable to the North Carolina Writers’ Network.
Entries will not be returned.
The winner is announced each April.
To submit online, go to Submittable will collect your entry fee via credit card ($15 NCWN members / $25 non-members).
To submit by regular mail:

Thomas Wolfe Fiction Prize
Great Smokies Writing Program
Attn: Nancy Williams
CPO #1860
UNC Asheville, NC 28805

Contact: Ed Southern, Executive Director, North Carolina Writers' Network, [email protected], 336-293-8844 or 919-308-3228.


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