Trainless Magazine Letter Writing Contest


Friday, March 6, 2015


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Entry Fees

No entry fee


1st prize: $20 and publication in the March issue of Trainless Magazine
2nd prize: publication in the April issue of Trainless Magazine.
3rd prize: publication in the May issue of Trainless Magazine


Trainless Magazine is looking for letters written from a person who is either traveling or living abroad. They can be from any time or place, to a loved one or to friends or strangers, sending any message imaginable. The only regulation is that the sender of the letter is sending it from somewhere else, preferably far away!

Length: 500-2,000 words.
No excessive or unnecessary profanity or violence.

We love adventures, dangerous places, complicated relationships, and far away places!

Contact Information

Submit the letter via our online submissions page:
Any questions or comments can be directed to Kristyn Bacon at [email protected]


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