Monday, June 1, 2020
Essay, Fiction, General, Nonfiction, Personal Journals, Poetry
Entry Fees
$150 (first), $100 (second), $50 (third)
Utilize whatever writing format moves you most—short story, poem, essay, song lyrics, etc.—but first, familiarize yourself with our submission guidelines, along with the following rules. Failure to do so will result in disqualification:
This contest is open to anyone 18 years of age or older, from any location
There is no cost ($0) to enter the contest
One submission per person
Fiction and non-fiction are acceptable
Submissions must be related to cycling
Submissions must be in English
Submissions must be fewer than 1,500 words
Submissions must be original and written by the submitter
Submissions must not have been previously published elsewhere, whether online or offline
Derek Lakin, founder of TreadBikely, is the sole contest judge
TreadBikely retains rights to all submissions, and may publish stories from non-winners
The current submission deadline is June 1, 2020 at 12:01 AM PST.
Winners will be notified on June 15, 2020 at the email addresses listed in their submissions. If a winner fails to reply within 30 days, another winner will be chosen.
Entries will not be published on until the contest ends.
By submitting your story, you agree to all contest rules (rules are subject to change).