Monday, June 30, 2014
Entry Fees
Novel: $5,000
Young Adult Novel: $3,000
Short Story
1st $1,000
2nd $350
3rd $300
4th $250
5th $200
Honorable Mentions (5 awards) $100 each.
Over $10,000 in prizes await the winners of this year’s Tuscany Prize for Catholic Fiction. The categories include Novel, Young Adult Novel and Short Story.
The Tuscany Prize for Catholic Fiction is a literary prize created to find great undiscovered and unpublished stories of Catholic fiction. Tuscany Press is searching for the next Flannery O’Connor, Graham Greene or J.R.R. Tolkien. Its goal is to attract the very best of the Catholic imagination in fiction, to reward writers and publish compelling works of fiction that explore the Catholic perspective.
Authors may submit their unpublished work for consideration through the Tuscany Press website ( before June 30, 2014. Winners will be announced in September.
About Tuscany Press:
Tuscany Press publishes Catholic fiction that explores the spectrum of human relationships and the presence of God in the art of fiction. The Tuscany Prize celebrates writers and literature of the Catholic imagination and perspective in novel, young adult novel and short story form. Visit the Tuscany Prize winners page for moving works of fiction.
Contact Information
Peter Mongeau, Founder & Publisher
[email protected]
Tuscany Press, LLC
17 Tennyson Road
Wellesley, MA 02481