Twisted Road Publications Southern Gothic Revival Anthology Short Fiction Contest


Friday, July 31, 2015


Entry Fees

$16 per entry


Winning entries will be awarded the following:
1st place: $500
2nd place: $250
3rd place: $100
Winners, Honorable Mentions, and Editor’s Picks will be published in the anthology, (due out by September 1, 2016) and receive 2 free copies. The judges’ decisions are final.

Editor’s Picks: The editors may pick entries that did not place in the top 3 or receive honorable mention according to the final judges for additional inclusion in the anthology, upon permission of the authors of such entries. Editor’s picks will be contacted in January and will also receive a free copy of the anthology.


We are seeking stories that reveal the lives of marginalized groups and individuals by developing complex characters and realistic settings. For Twisted Road Publications, “Southern Gothic” means examining the social order of the new south, which we believe is as fragile and the realities behind it as disturbing as anything Faulkner imagined. However, since some of the best stories in the “Gothic” tradition are from outside the region, entries do not necessarily have to be set in the south.

The final judge for the competition is National Book Award finalist Dorothy Allison.

Copyrights: All submissions must be your own original work. Simultaneous submissions are okay, but please let us know if your submission is accepted elsewhere, as this may affect our ability to publish it should it be selected as a winner. Likewise, you are responsible for notifying any other contests you may be entered in should your submission win in our contest. Submissions can be previously published, however, you must own the rights to republish in the event that your submission wins. All winning entries and honorable mentions will be published in the anthology.

Format: All entries must be in a 12-point standard serif font such as Times New Roman or similar, double-spaced with pages numbered. Electronic submissions should be sent in Microsoft Word compatible format, and the title of the document should be the title of the story. Your name must not appear anywhere on the story. You must include a cover letter with your name and full contact information, including address, phone number and e-mail address.

Word Limits
6,000 words

Contact Information

Link for electronic submission:

Mail Entries: Twisted Road Publications • 1400 Village Square Blvd, Suite 3-234 • Tallahassee, FL 32312

Questions: [email protected]


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