Monday, August 15, 2016
Essay, Journalism, Nonfiction, Personal Journals
Entry Fees
$1000 advance on royalties + publication with UNO Press
University of New Orleans Press will be reading manuscripts between April 15th and August 15th, 2016, looking for the best nonfiction/memoir manuscript written this year.
The winner of the UNO Press Publishing Lab Prize will receive publication with UNO Press a $1,000 advance on royalties.
The prizewinning book will receive the undivided attention of the Publishing Lab, an institute of graduate students and publishing professionals who will work to bring the winner’s work to readers and booksellers nationally and internationally.
Led by veteran author and professor Abram Shalom Himelstein, the UNO Publishing Lab aims to find unconventional ways to bring new voices into the literary marketplace. Himelstein is no stranger to the unconventional: he sold his first novel, the best-selling Tales of a Punk Rock Nothing, out of the trunk of his car.
About the Press Lab, Himelstein said: “Everything that we try and that works in the lab we plan to bring to our traditional publishing operation. The goal of the lab is to keep us fresh and new. We are especially excited about our partnership with the Creative Writing Workshop. Their outstanding pool of graduates allows us access to resources and ideas we wouldn’t ordinarily have.”
Last year’s winner, Each Vagabond by Name, will be released June 1, 2016.
Contact Information
GK Darby, UNO Press
[email protected]