Thursday, May 21, 2020
Entry Fees
$50 / $25 and possible publication
Description is excited to announce our site launch with a new flash fiction writing contest! Express yourself in a supportive, family-friendly environment, as you develop your writing skills.
We invite you to write a story of 350 words or less, inspired by our first prompt “Resilience”. In these challenging, unprecedented times, resilience becomes more valuable than ever. We’d love to hear how your fictional characters adapt to difficult situations. Perhaps your stories can inspire all of us.
Prizes include: $50 Amazon gift card for Grand Prize, $25 Amazon gift card for Public Voting 1st place, and a variety of publication venues. Top winners get their own permanent Stars Page, which features all their winning stories. All shortlisted stories will be published online, and will be eligible for publishing on Kindle and Alexa.
Our staff will select the Grand Prize Winner. There will be also be a public voting component to select three other winners, so there are two paths to winning!
Join our club and express yourself…
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