Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Children’s, Drama, Fiction, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Science Fiction, Young Adult
Entry Fees
$25 per entry. Up to five entries per author.
Cash prizes in each of four categories: 1st $75, 2nd $50 and 3rd $25.
Ozarks Romance Authors (est. 1987) invites you to submit the first chapter (up to 2,500 words) of your unpublished novel plus 200 words of flap copy to win prizes and a chance to be read by one of the agents or editors serving as the final judges. Contest is open to both published and unpublished authors, but the piece submitted must be unpublished (traditional, self-pub, or e-pub) and not under contract to be published.
Categories: Historical, Contemporary, Paranormal/Sci-Fi and Young Adult/Middle Grade. Entries are open genre and not required to contain romantic tones.
Contact Information
For questions, contact [email protected]. For more information and to enter, please visit our website,