White Pine Writing Contest


Tuesday, February 10, 2015


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Entry Fees

$10 per entry (one prose piece or three poems). Includes a free electronic copy of the inaugural issue ($8 value).


Publication and $100 for best prose piece, $100 for best poem


The Maine Review’s Writing Prizes in Fiction, Poetry, and Nonfiction

The Maine Review invites writers to enter the White Pine Writing Contest. Prizes include publication along with $100 for the best prose piece, $100 for the best poem, and a free subscription to the Review for winners of Honorable Mention awards. All writers who enter will receive an electronic copy of the inaugural issue, an $8 value.

The entry fee is $10. All genres are eligible for prizes, and all entries will be considered for publication in the Spring issue and subsequent issues. The maximum word count is 2,000 words for prose and 60 lines for poetry. We seek quality writing with a strong point of view.

Deadline: February 10th, 2015.

Guidelines: http://www.TheMaineReview.com/submit.htm. A Sneak Peek at the Fall issue are available on the website.

Contact Information

Katherine Mayfield, Editor
[email protected]



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