Winter Adventure (Erotic Fiction)

Contest ending today.




$500 1st Place.
$100 2nd Place.
$50 3rd Place.


We want authors to use the competition image for inspiration (

Who is she? Where is she? Is she lost? On her way to meeting someone new? Is she about to embark on a journey of discovery? Is her innocence about to be lost forever as she explores her darkest innermost desires in a foreign city, far away from home?

Stories must be related to the model in some way, and we’d like to see elements of adventure, intrigue or discovery.

We are deliberately keeping this competition as open as possible, with limited guidance.

Stories may be as short or long as you see fit, as long as they are under our usual story word count limit (10,000 words).

Contact Information

Participants must be a member to submit their story to the competition.


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