Sunday, June 30, 2013
Entry Fees
$12 entry fee for each prose piece submitted or for up to two poems.
First place: $300, publication in Calliope, the annual anthology of Women Who Write, and up to five copies of Calliope.
Second place: $200, publication in Calliope and up to five copies of Calliope.
Third place: $100, publication in Calliope and up to five copies of Calliope.
Women Who Write 2013 International Poetry & Short Prose Contest is open to all women ages 18 and over, everywhere. One 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winner will be selected from each genre. This year’s winners will be published in the 20th anniversary edition of Calliope. Writers are encouraged to read previous editions of Calliope to see what type of work we publish. Available on Amazon.
Contact Information
Women Who Write
P.O. Box 6167
Louisville, KY 40206
Director: Susan Lindsey
[email protected]