Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Crime/Thriller, Drama, Essay, Fantasy, Fiction, General, Horror, Mystery, Nonfiction, Poetry, Romance, Science Fiction, Young Adult
Entry Fees
$20 nonmembers, $15 members
The 2020 Women’s National Book Association Writing Contest is open for submissions. The contest runs from September 1 to December 1. In addition to the fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry categories, the contest features a new category: flash prose. The category is for pieces of 750 words or less in either fiction or creative nonfiction. Established and emerging writers are encouraged to enter. Winners will receive a $250 cash prize and be published on the WNBA’s website, in its Bookwoman Newsletter, and in an anthology along with past contest winners. All entries must be submitted online through Submittable. Entry fees are $20 for nonmembers and $15 for WNBA members. Complete submission guidelines can be found on the WNBA’s writing contest page.
Contact Information
Andrea Auten: @[email protected]