Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Entry Fees
$3 to $20 depending on category and membership status
● First Place in each Category - $150 plus certificate plus one-year Writers-Editors Network membership
● Second Place in each Category - $100 plus certificate
● Third Place in each Category - $75 plus certificate
● Honorable Mention certificates will be awarded in each category as warranted
● Most Promising entry in each category will receive a free critique by a contest judge. (Writer will be acknowledged, but critique will not be posted publicly.) The "most promising" manuscript is one that doesn't win because of flaws, but the judges feel the person has a gift for writing and may simply need some guidance and suggestions.
The Writers-Editors Network 33rd Annual International Writing Competition recognizes unpublished and self-published work that is “publishable” and ready for the marketplace. Over the years, many of our winners have gone on to receive book contracts and appear in major magazines.
● All entries must be unpublished or self-published and not accepted for publication by a traditional publisher.
● Fiction – may be a short story, novel chapter, Young Adult (YA) or children’s story or book chapter. Indicate which of these, plus whether literary, mystery, romance, science fiction, fantasy, etc. on manuscript first page. Maximum length 4,000 words.
● Nonfiction – may be an article, blog post, essay/opinion piece, column, nonfiction book chapter, children’s article or book chapter. Indicate which of these on manuscript first page. Maximum length 4,000 words.
● Poetry – may be traditional or free verse poetry or children’s verse.
Contact Information
Dana K Cassell, Writers-Editors Competition Guidelines, PO Box A, North Stratford NH 03590 USA; [email protected].