Booksmith Editing


Why use a professional editor?

Because writing is hard.

It takes an enormous amount of time and effort to produce a manuscript.

You want to show it to someone who will give you detailed, constructive feedback and check for typos, sentence problems, and repeated or missing words. Believability of characters, realistic dialogue, conflict and pacing, descriptions, weak verbs, passive voice, and attributions are all included.

Don’t worry if your work is full of so-called errors. Don’t be afraid of imperfection. If the story is good, it will succeed.

I will treat your work like a precious gem, showing you where to cut, where to polish, when to embellish. In short, how to make it better.

Proofreading is a vital part of preparing your manuscript for publication and a poorly edited book is the hallmark of the amateur author.

I love working with new authors and I can offer special rates.

I’m particularly interested in mysteries, thrillers, short stories, literary fiction, general fiction, YA, and non-fiction.