Auroras & Blossoms Poetry Journal


Auroras & Blossoms is an electronic poetry journal co-founded by authors Cendrine Marrouat & David Ellis. They are family friendly, publishing “positive poetry/content. Positive as in stimulating, optimistic, confident, uplifting, inspirational.” They accept work from adult writers/poets and teen poets (13–16).

We are a family-friendly magazine, so we expect clean language. No dirty words at all. We also don’t want anything related to erotica or politics.

Apart from that, we are open to everything, as long as the message is good and uplifting.

When poets send us their pieces, we ask them to tell us why they think they would make a good fit for the journal. We want to ensure that they understand that the message is just as important as the language itself. There must be an energy behind the pieces that really make us think hard and ultimately inspires the reader, not just the poet themselves.