Printed triannually and distributed around the world, F(r)iction publishes work from bold, new writers to pioneering leaders in the industry, spotlighting underrepresented voices and celebrating the weird and wonderful.
Each issue also features work from a community partner, spotlighting marginalized and underrepresented voices that are often ignored by the mainstream publishing industry. Partners include the Afghan Women’s Writing Project, Lambda Literary, and Veteran’s Writing Project.
We believe that great publishing should push the boundaries of literary convention and advocate for emerging voices. Whether it’s traditional literary fiction or genre-bending sci-fi, fantasy, and horror, we look for stories, poetry, and nonfiction that move us to think in new ways and challenge our assumptions about the world.
For our print magazine, we accept short fiction, flash fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and comics—regardless of genre, style, or origin. Experimental, nontraditional, and boundary-pushing literature is strongly encouraged. Show us your wildest and weirdest!