Anaphora Literary Press


The Anaphora Literary Press was started as an academic press with the publication of the Pennsylvania Literary Journal (PLJ) in 2009. In the Winter of 2010, Anaphora began accepting book-length submissions. Anaphora has now published over 60 creative and non-fiction books. John Paul Jaramillo’s collection of short stories received an honorable mention for the Latino Literacy Now’s Mariposa Award Best First Fiction Book Award. Professors have taught from a few Anaphora books. Many Anaphora writers have scheduled readings at major local book stores. Anaphora books have also had several articles published about them in regional newspapers. PLJ has featured interviews with best-selling science fiction writers like Larry Niven, and young adult writers like Cinda Williams Chima, James Dashner and Carrie Ryan, as well as interviews with the winners of the Brooklyn Film Festival and top academic editors.