LeRue Press, LLC


Self Publishing with LeRue Press (LRP)

In 2000, when we started our company (then known as Publishing from the Heart), we were asked if we would self-publish books. At that time,
we did not own a printing company, we were focused on traditional publishing, we felt it was too close to “vanity publishing” that had a bad
rap at the time and we did not want to be associated with it.

The last thing we wanted to do was to take advantage of people who thought they had a marketable product (but did not). Then and now are different.
Much has changed in our world as well as the publishing business. Where it used to be unacceptable to be a self-published author, it is now quite
acceptable and often encouraged.

In 2007, we were frustrated with the amount of money being charged to produce a book. We felt we could do it better AND for less. In 2008, we did.
Pick Me, Pick Me is a result of years, months and hours of turmoil and frustration until we could find a way to produce books ourselves and still make a profit.
We purchased a small commercial printer in Reno, Nevada and found a reputable binding company to help us finish the job. In March, 2008, Pick Me, Pick Me
was born and we now have many other titles that followed. Though they are our traditional works, we have also printed and bound many other books for
self-published authors along the way. Some are chapbooks, some spiral bound, some perfect bound and hard back but each has it’s own unique direction
and is loved by it’s author. We can bind books in-house/on site though some projects do require one of our associate binderies to produce what is needed.

We spend a considerable amount of time with self-published authors to determine what they need/want for their project. We now are providing print-on-demand services and will assist in producing e-books. We can help with your self-published project whether you need editing, consulting only or a full service from start to finish.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is Self Publishing expensive?

It certainly can be if you get carried away. We will always try to stay within your budget, if we can. We provide an estimate based on your project. We can
give a “ballpark” number but it is unfair to say that it will fit your project.

We avoid the cookie-cutter approach but we do have certain industry standards that we will recommend (paper, size, interior design, etc). Most will be recommended
to maintain quality. However, you are the customer. It is your book. We will ALWAYS tell you what we think is best but we will follow your direction because it is
still YOUR money.

Where are the package prices?

On the other guy’s site. We don’t have any. As stated above, we can give you a “ballpark” but it may not fit your project.

How do you compare to companies with “package prices”?

We are very competitive. Are we the cheapest? Probably not. We presume there will always be someone out there willing to cut the cost a little more to get the
job. We pride ourselves on doing the best work for you at the best price available that day. We also believe you have to find the company that you are most
comfortable doing business with. We are not all built the same way. Your project is unique. Work with the company that fits your needs.

Can I do Print On Demand?

Yes, we recently added Print On Demand as one of our on-site services. There is an annual fee ($15) and the initial set-up fee with camera-ready art (for most books $75). Once you are in our system, we have a set price for your book to be printed. We can also include it in our store.

Should I do an e-book instead?

Maybe. We would be happy to have a discussion to see what best fits your needs. Set an appointment for our free consultation services at leruepressllc.clickbook.net/sub/leruepessllc

Are you a vanity publisher?

No. We do not publish every book that comes into our shop. We either traditionally publish your book (we pay for it), we partner with you (hybrid publishing; we share costs, plainly stated up front) or you are the publisher (self-published) and you pay for it, maintain all rights and control of the final product.

How do I get a quote?

We are updating our form to prevent spam. In the meantime, give us a call to set up an appointment. We will ask you some questions, calculate a quote and then meet with you to discuss.

If you are not in the area, we will do this via phone or Zoom. The quoting process can take as long as a week, depending on our schedule, number of quotes we have
to do and the work load we have at the time. We will usually tell you how long it will take to respond.

We will need the following information to give you a quote:

Your name
Address and/or e-mail address
Business name if you are using one
Business phone number
Best time to reach you
Number of pages in your book
Name of the book
Type of binding (Hard cover, perfect bound, saddle stitch, spiral bound)
Type of paper for inside pages
Illustrations? If so, how many?
Color inside?
Is the cover design completed?
Type of cover stock? If you don’t have a preference, we will quote the standard.
Do you have ISBN & Bar Code? Will you need one?
What is your drop dead publishing date?

If you would like to e-mail your request, you may copy these items and use them in your e-mail to respond.

Support Literacy: Read a book….or write one