Weekly Writing Support & Drop-In Writing Sessions
When a group of writers gets together around a table at a cafe, it’s much like a pack of wolves convening on a mountain ridge; each writer working with others in the group to gain insight into new techniques toward approaching their own special brand of creativity. The pack supports the individual members… giving assistance when needed, standing back to let the newer members learn on their own when necessary, and reinforcing the strength and expertise of the seasoned members. As a team, and as a family, writers who come together in groups learn, grow and discover the successful choices that will ultimately bring a strong literary reputation to the individuals as well as to the group.
Monthly Gentle Critique Sessions
Over the many years that we’ve been writing, we’ve spent time writing in a vacuum, sequestered away from the world, never sharing our work with other writers – out of fear of rejection or worry that the work wasn’t good enough. And, we’ve spent some time sharing our work with other writers, learning from their creative perspectives and experience, being brave enough to risk critique. What we’ve discovered is that sharing our work with other writers is the best way to discover how a reader will perceive our work once it is published. By listening to the opinions of other writers, we can learn if the nuances we intend are coming across in our storytelling. Sharing our work with other writers also gives us a better understanding about whether or not our characters are realistic or too far-fetched; or whether the plot is moving forward in a logical direction, while engaging the reader to turn the next page, rather than provoking them to stop reading altogether. Simply put, working in a friendly environment giving and gaining constructive critique, makes our work stronger. And, it makes us better writers.