Montana Screenwriting & Storycrafting Meetup


Have you written a screenplay — or are thinking about one? Maybe you write novels or have a life story that people say would make a good movie.

Explore the art and craft of writing for the screen with us through reading and discussing screenplays by top Hollywood or indie film writers. In each “script of the month” discussion, we consider writing style and skills, and also take a Producer’s POV to evaluate scripts from “across the table.”

Our main focus is on screenwriting but we welcome all levels of novelists, short story writers, poets, writers of non-fiction or memoirs — and of course Montana screenwriters and friends. No cost to join via

When we can gather in person again (at Flathead Valley Community College in Kalispell MT), we plan to offer hybrid meetings (in person plus online) so our long-distance members can continue to participate.

Contact Barbara Schiffman for more info: [email protected]