July 2014

Alicia Anstead

People who use language in unusual ways

By Alicia Anstead

Do you admire people who use language in unusual ways? Chances are if you’re reading this, you do – or you are that person. I love when someone turns a phrase that makes me stop and reconsider conventions or expectations. I have a friend who never gets his verb tenses correct, but his mistakes serve to remind me: Break the rules and discover a new truth. Sometimes he speaks poetry without even knowing it.


Wild mind

By Alicia Anstead

Natalie Goldberg reveals the secrets of true writing.

The big questions

By Roger S. Gottlieb

Deepen plots by adding philosophical dimension.

Zoo story

By Hillary Casavant

David James Poissant goes behind the scenes of short stories.

Karen Avivi: Self-Publishing

By Megan Kaplon

How a YA author took publishing into her own hands.

Moving stories

By Melissa Hart

Put down the pen and pick up the camera for video literature.

Capturing momentum

By Robert Hirschfield

Samrat Upadhyay harnesses the voices of Nepal in his short stories and novels.


Writing Essentials

Getting clubby

By Jack Hamann

What you can learn from non-writing readers.

Poet to Poet

Touching work

By Stuart Kestenbaum

Craft your poems like an artist crafts clay.

Conference Insider

The same page

By Hillary Casavant

Mid-career writers find their place.

Literary Spotlight

Begin with children

By Melissa Hart

Skipping Stones celebrates diversity and identity in youth.

Lasting Effect

July 1968

By Hillary Casavant

A scriptwriter breaks down the structure of a story.

Also in Every Issue

From the Editor

Take Note

Tips on writing classes, products for outdoor writing, character advice, Phil Klay, writer’s favorite bars and more.


Classified advertising

How I Write

MK Asante: "When I think of my memoir, I ask, what are the different layers that will help create an experience? I want you to be immersed in my world."