November 2013

The essential resource for writers

Join thousands of successful writers when you subscribe to The Writer magazine. Each month The Writer is full of features you can use to improve your writing, including before-and-after examples of improved writing, more literary markets than ever before, practical solutions for writing problems, selected literary magazine profiles, tips from famous authors and hands-on advice.

Alicia Anstead

Making novels

By Alicia Anstead

Last year, The Writer staff conducted a survey in which we asked readers what area of writing interests them the most. The largest percentage replied: book-length fiction, followed closely by short fiction. Surveys are always tricky, but if I had to put my money on it, I’d bet that writing the “great American novel” (or any country’s “great novel”) is a dream that is alive and well, at least among our readers.


Cave art

By Robert G. Pushkar

When it comes to his work, Andre Dubus III is a creature of habit.

That’s a wrap

By Dale McGarrigle

In a picture-centric culture, writers look to video to sell their books.

Lonely arts

By Donna Gephart

Writing is a solitary business. Here’s how to stay connected to others.


By Hillary Casavant

Poetry slam participants share techniques that apply to all genres.

Hannah Moskowitz on the edge

By Sharon Naylor

Forget vampires. The YA author has a different kind of bite.

Character and point of view: Alexander Maksik

By Megan Kaplon

The novelist discusses his process for falling in love with characters.



The 40-year novel

By James Allen Mitchell

A European escapade leads (eventually) to success.

Writing Essentials

Character profile

By Patrick Scalisi

Having trouble with characters? Interview them.

Off the Cuff

Filling the tanks

By Erica Meyer

Looking for great ideas? Travel may help.

Write Stuff

Between the sheets

By Alicia Anstead

Be fearless about intimacy in your work.

Freelance Success

Teen time

By Charlene Oldham

Moving from adult to YA markets can open a new world for you and for readers.

Conference Insider

Magical space

By Hillary Casavant

India’s Jaipur Literary Festival renews joy.

Literary Spotlight

Father’s day

By Melissa Hart

Kindling Quarterly carries a torch for fathers.

Also in Every Issue

From the Editor

Take Note

Your monthly prompt, a trio of YA authors born in November, Helena Maria Viramontes on writing, a Q&A about NaNoWriMo, a lesson on idioms and tips for professional dress codes.


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How I Write

Amor Towles: “Writing is a craft. It’s not a mystical state.”