October 2016

Beverly Jenkins

Mining the gems

By Beverly Jenkins

Research in historical fiction requires a steady hand and a critical eye.


Bust that block!

By Ryan G. Van Cleave

Five professional writers share their best tips for getting unstuck.

What agents want

By Melissa Hart

Six literary agents weigh in on platform, publishing, and why you should never address a query to "dear sir."

Submission sins

By Sam Harrison

Getting out of the slush pile starts with avoiding these deadly agent submission mistakes.

Portrait of a modern novelist

By Nicki Porter

Best-selling author Caroline Leavitt has had both towering highs and staggering lows in her long career. Here's what she's learned after 11 novels and several decades in the industry.

Curious and curiouser

By Rebecca A. Hill

Do you have what it takes to become a modern science writer?

Road to a memoir

By Pat Olsen

Two-time memoirist Elena Gorokhova shares how she illuminates the past on the page.


Off the Cuff

Down in history

By Erika Janik

One writer's love of the past led to an unforeseen future.

Writer at Work

Story study

By Jack Smith

How to conduct, manage, and cull research in fiction.

Freelance Success

Writers wanted

By Pete Croatto

The Internet is full of classifieds calling for writers. How many are too good to be true?

Class Action

Another world

By Jeff Tamarkin

This six-week sci-fi and fantasy workshop doesn't just teach craft. It provides a community that lasts long after the workshop is over.

Conference Insider

Thrill seeker

By Melissa Hart

From FBI field trips to an all-day 'PitchFest', ThrillerFest welcomes page-turners of all genres.

Literary Spotlight

Pulp fiction

By Melissa Hart

Works of all genres can find a home in this eclectic magazine.

Also in Every Issue

From the Editor

Take Note

Beverly Jenkins, Roxana Robinson, Roy Peter Clark, and more.


Classified advertising

How I Write

Amulya Malladi: "I am a character-driven writer, and I believe that once you define a character, they tell their story."