Craft is the most important part of being a writer – but there’s so much more to the writing life outside the page. That’s what we were most concerned with in this issue, which takes a close look at what it’s like to be a modern writer working in the world today.
Inside, you’ll find:
- Meditations on dealing with the post-book blues
- A look at how modern work-from-home moms make it work
- Tips for wowing the crowds with unusual book tours
- Strategies for juggling a book-to-be alongside a freelance career
- A primer for sharing your nonfiction with your subjects
- Advice for starting an author’s newsletter
And much, much more! Take a peek at our stories below and then be sure to find a copy at your local newsstand this month.
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Enough with the trash talk!
ByWant a surefire way to have a happier, more productive writing life? Stop calling your writing names.
Sign me up!
By Donna TalaricoUsing emails to connect, engage, and retain readers (and sell books, too).
‘Look! I wrote about you!’
By Dana ShavinWhat are we really looking for when we share creative nonfiction with our subjects?
The art of suspenseful fiction
By Ryan G. Van CleaveKeep readers on the edge of their seats with these pro tips.
The write-at-home mom
By Melissa PetroRaising tiny humans while juggling deadlines, research, revisions, and first drafts: How do modern mother-writers make it work?
The camel, the bra, and the Buick
By Melissa HartHow authors wow audiences with unusual book tours.
The post-book blues
By Yi Shun LaiHappiness is a fallacy, and other things you tell yourself once your book is published.
Work in progress
By Pete CroattoWriting a book while maintaining a freelance career is all about learning from your mistakes – repeatedly.
Bragging about books
By Andrea AskowitzWhat if you’re a writer who isn’t a voracious reader?
Also in Every Issue
From the Editor
Take Note
Literary Spotlight
Conference Insider
North Words Writers Symposium