Though a bit misnamed, this week’s spotlight would make a solid addition to any writing desk.
The fact is, William A. Gordon’s 1,001 Tips for Writers: Words of Wisdom About Writing, Getting Published, and Living the Literary Life doesn’t so much contain “tips” as it does quotes. But the quotes it does contain are quite helpful, featuring notable words from authors and publishing experts alike.
The book promises “the best advice about writing and getting published today,” and the dual focus on both writing as an art and publishing as a business does make the title stand out amongst competitors. Its slim size and easy-to-read design makes it an ideal book to have on hand for subway rides, doctor’s office visits, or unpleasantly long lines at the coffeeshop. And its bargain price tag makes this an ideal stocking stuffer for any quote-a-holic writer in your life: The Kindle edition costs just $4.49.