“What if someone told you that the only thing standing between your screenplay, novel, or script and the big screen was a single sentence?” asks Lane Shefter Bishop, author of Sell Your Story in a Single Sentence: Advice from the Front Lines of Hollywood.
Bishop, Emmy award-winning CEO of Vast Entertainment, a book-to-screen adaptation company for television and film projects, offers “advice from the front lines of Hollywood” to help demystify the story-selling process for novelists and screenwriters. She walks writers through the basics (“What is a logline?” “What does the protagonist want?”) all the way to final finessing, providing both examples of successful loglines and what to avoid when writing one.
Other notable features of Bishop’s book include a “Logline Cheat Sheet,” which presents a straightforward 18-step guide for creating a logline, and two workbook chapters featuring simple and complex exercises for writers to work through. (Answers to the workbooks are also provided.)
“What’s needed [to sell scripts] is a top-notch logline, a one-line selling tool like no other. It’s a writer’s most important asset – invaluable for query letters, for keeping laser focused on what makes a story unique, and for having the perfect ‘elevator’ pitch ready to go,” Bishop writes. “This book is the key to unlocking that potential.”
Originally Published